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LAFV Roadshow Frankfurt

29/10/2024 18:00 - 29/10/2024 21:00

On October 29, 2024, the presentation of the Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association will take place in Frankfurt.


5:30 pm Registration
6:00 pm Welcome
6:05 pm Greetings
  Ambassador Isabel Frommelt-Gottschald
6:15 pm Guest Speaker: Family Office & Managerselektion!
  Jan Tachtler, Partner HQ Trust GmbH
6:35 pm Liechtenstein, der Standort für Ihre Private Label Fonds 
  David Gamper, Managing Director LAFV
7:00 pm Panel discussion
  Dr. Reto Degen, LL.M., Member of the Executive Board Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein
  Benjamin Bente, CEO Vates Invest GmbH
  Alex Boss, President LAFV
  Moderator: Markus Hill
7:30 pm Networking Apéro

The event is aimed at industry visitors only. The participation is free of charge.

The presentations will be held in German.

Questions? or Tel.: +423 230 07 70.

Steigenberger Icon Frankfurter Hof, Am Kaiserplatz, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
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LAFV Roadshow Frankfurt