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New passive-member of LAFV - BWBLEGAL


The law firm was formed in 2002 from the merger of the law firm Dr. iur. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerard Batliner and Dr. Martin Batliner with the two attorneys Dr. Ralph Wanger and Dr. Christian Batliner. The firm can now look back on a history of several decades of extensive legal activity in Liechtenstein. During this time, the partnership also grew with the addition of lic. ur. Hansjörg Lingg, lic. iur. Markus Wille, Mag. iur. Michael Kranz, lic. iur. Christine Tinner-Rampone and Philipp Kranz MLaw, LL.M..

Thanks to its size, the firm can offer the full range of legal services and develop special expertise in important areas of law. For example, the powerful capital markets law team has made a name for itself in recent years. In this area of law, the firm supports clients, for example, in obtaining a special legal license from the FMA, conducts litigation in the financial services sector, assists with corporate structuring and financing, advises on the launch and distribution of investment funds and offers support with public securities offerings. BWB LEGAL maintains a deliberately cooperative relationship with the authorities.